Elijah Haven - Home
Elijah Haven is committed to the prevention of violence in homes, relationships, and community through education, awareness, and equipping individuals with tools for a healthy and safe lifestyle.
About - Elijah Haven
Elijah Haven Crisis Intervention Center is LaGrange & Steuben Counties' center for domestic violence and teen dating violence education, prevention, and services. We provide comprehensive services to people of all ages affected by …
Domestic Abuse - Elijah Haven
Keep phone numbers handy of Elijah Haven, trusted f riend or relative. Choose a public location for meeting a trusted friend or relative, such as the local McDonalds, Gas Station, a Church parking lot. Remember: Leaving your batterer is the most dangerous time.
Services - Elijah Haven
In 2023, Elijah Haven impacted 483 lives. These include women, children, and men. We housed victims 679 bed nights in our shelter. We have added new services, including a satellite office in Angola, IN, a children's program, NCO drop class, and a 2nd licensed therapist - creating a 3rd support group. 24-Hour Crisis Line; Short-Term Emergency ...
Contact - Elijah Haven
2575 N SR 9, Lagrange, IN, 46761 OFFICE: 260.463.8700 CRISIS HOTLINE: 1.866.463.3400
Teen Dating Violence - Elijah Haven
Elijah Haven goes into local high schools and middle schools educating on how to recognize, avoid, and get out of a teen dating violence situation. Teens also learn how to stay safe and what healthy relationships should look like.
How To Help - Elijah Haven
If you want to be part of our efforts to provide prevention and intervention in our community, you can help: Become part of our volunteer team. Contact us at 463-8700 for many volunteer opportunities.
Elijah Haven - Blog
Feb 13, 2024 · A lot of the work I do for Elijah Haven Crisis Intervention Center is behind closed doors. I help write grants, prepare press releases and plan events. I also work with high school kids to produce a drama about teen dating violence and I speak to high school classes about healthy relationships.
Upcoming Events - Elijah Haven
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Donate - Elijah Haven
Thank you for supporting the work and mission of Elijah Haven. To give online, simply click the "donate" button below. You may also set up weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly recurring donations.