Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades has left the studio
Apr 4, 2024 · Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades has left the company. On a recent visit to the Cambridge, UK-based studio for a Hellblade 2 preview, Polygon noted that there was no sign or mention of Antoniades, who was formerly the company’s chief creative director. A spokesperson for Xbox, which...
Tameem Antoniades: 'I don't care if DmC sells a thousand units
May 8, 2012 · Tameem Antoniades was questioned about the game in PSM3, and responding to a comment by a fan who said the game is unlikely to sell well, he replied: "Usually the worst creative crimes are made when you're trying to make a game for someone else - some perceived demographic that, in all likelihood, doesn't actually exist."
DmC Director Tameem Antoniades Responds on Dante and Other …
Mar 14, 2012 · In the issue of PS3M, the Director of DmC responds to internet theories of how Dante came to be. Speaking in a candid interview with PSM3, Antoniades was asked what he thought of online chatter about the reboot. Among the internet sourced drivel was the theory that Dante is modelled on him...
Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades has left the studio
Apr 4, 2024 · Not really happy with how they pivoted from those 3 games (gameplay was a fairly strong focus) to HellBlade (story is the main focus). I own HellBlade but have yet to play it. Honestly bro should just retire and go live life. He achieved the dream of starting a software business and cashing out on a Microsoft check. Tameem, you won bro .
Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades: “‘Hellblade 2
Feb 8, 2022 · The Ninja Theory co-founder says the game is focusing on "capturing reality" In an interview with NME, Antoniades said that the team’s ambition has taken the form of an all-encompassing approach to the idea of “capturing reality.” “The goal with Hellblade 2 isn’t to perfect it, but to...
Ninja Theory co-founder Tameem Antoniades has left the studio
Apr 4, 2024 · This is not new. Go check previous studio videos and see when he was last seen. Must’ve left years ago. All I’ve seen for like 4-5 videos is Melina and costume designers and fight choregraphers. ok, but then what is the implication? That he left the studio and keep it …
Tameem Antoniades: 'I don't care if DmC sells a thousand units
May 8, 2012 · At the rate they're going, they will be handed God of War 5 if they lose the next DmC, so sure, why not. What's to follow after Gears 5?
Tameem Antoniades: 'I don't care if DmC sells a thousand units
May 8, 2012 · Come on, if I culture myself up for a few months, my culture might be so great, that I might be worthy enough to speak to you about my culture! Don't even address me until you've exceeded a Culture Level of 9000. On-topic: Tameem is …
Tameem Antoniades: 'I don't care if DmC sells a thousand units
May 8, 2012 · You don't give a jack shit about art, music, and direction of a game. This is fine. However, you need to realize that in this world there are people with a higher cultural level than you that are interested about there things. Higher education refers to …
Tameem Antoniades: 'I don't care if DmC sells a thousand units
May 8, 2012 · Yeah, well, let's see how many of us will care for your game, Mr. Antoniades.