Borneo elephant - Wikipedia
The Borneo elephant, also called the Bornean elephant or the Borneo pygmy elephant, is a subspecies of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) that inhabits northeastern Borneo, in Indonesia and Malaysia. Its origin remains the subject of debate.
Borneo Elephant - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on Animalia.bio
The smallest elephant in Asia, the Borneo elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis), or otherwise known as the Pygmy elephant is a rather charming and adorable creature. Compared to other Asian elephants, Borneo elephants are more gentle-natured animals.
Borneo elephants: Facts, Threats, & Conservation | IFAW
Borneo elephants, also called Borneo pygmy elephants, are the smallest subspecies of Asian elephant and live in a unique habitat.
Borneo Elephant – Facts, Characteristics, Size, Diet, and Pictures
The Borneo elephant, short for the Borneo pygmy elephant, is a sub-species of the Asian elephant. Their origin has been highly debated. It was believed that they are descendants of the now-extinct Javan elephant brought to Borneo as gifts and then released into the wild.
Borneo Pygmy Elephant Facts | Borneo Wildlife Guide - Nat Hab
Pygmy elephants are an endangered species, and only an estimated 1,500 individuals remain in the wild, mostly found in Sabah in Malaysian Borneo. The primary threat to these elephants is habitat loss.
Borneo Pygmy Elephant — Global Conservation
Jan 12, 2024 · The Borneo pygmy elephant is the smallest subspecies of Asian elephant, endemic to the island of Borneo. They are one of the least-studied elephants in the world. Around 1,500 Borneo pygmy elephants remain.
Borneo Pygmy Elephant Facts | Anatomy, Range, Habitat, Behavior
The Borneo pygmy elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis) or the Borneo elephant is an endangered species that lives in the northeastern Borneo, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It has a life expectancy of about 60 years in the wild.
Borneo Pygmy Elephant Facts
Borneo pygmy elephants, or Bornean pygmy elephants as they are also known, are the smallest elephants in the world with the males reaching around 2.5 meters in height. They are also noticeably tamer than other elephant subspecies–often allowing Borneo’s many wildlife tourists to get within a few meters of them without showing any signs of ...
Borneo Elephant - Worldwide Nature
Borneo is home to a unique elephant species, the Borneo elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis). Also known as pygmy elephants due to their smaller size in comparison to mainland Asian elephants, this endangered subspecies has been living on …
Borneo Pygmy Elephant - Facts, Habitat, Pictures - Animals Adda
May 15, 2015 · Borneo Elephants are more active when compared to several other elephant subspecies. They love to roam around their natural habitat and their seasonal migrations patterns will help them in maintaining good body shape.