Moral Appeal - Changing minds
Get other people to agree with you by appealing to their sense of morality and social good. Ask them whether things that you or they are proposing are right or wrong. Encourage them to do the 'right thing'. Talk about how they will affect other people, for better or worse. You can also note how people will know what they have done.
What We Talk About When We Talk About Morality | SPSP
Oct 3, 2016 · When we need to persuade others to join our side in a moral debate, we may frame our argument to contain appeals that we think will bolster our argument to make both the argument and ourselves seem more convincing to others.
Appeals to Morality in Health and Risk Messaging
Moral appeals are messages that acknowledge individuals’ evaluative beliefs about universal rights and wrongs. Appeals to morality produce a sense of obligation and responsibility because morals are viewed as self-evident facts.
When to Use Moral Arguments and When to Use Pragmatic Ones
Apr 14, 2020 · Both moral and pragmatic arguments can feature rational and emotional appeals. Take the gun control debate, and consider an appeal based on reason and one based on emotion.
Moral Motivation - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Oct 19, 2006 · As we have seen, Svavarsdottir seeks to explain moral motivation by appealing to a particular conative state, namely, the desire to do what is morally valuable or required—the desire, in short to be moral. Peter Railton appeals to the concern people generally have to be able to justify their choices and conduct from a more impartial standpoint.
Moral suasion - Wikipedia
Moral suasion is an appeal to morality, in order to influence or change behavior. A famous example is the attempt by William Lloyd Garrison and his American Anti-Slavery Society to end slavery in the United States by arguing that the practice was morally wrong. [ 1 ]
The relative effects of a moral appeal and a sanction threat on college classroom cheating were assessed. The moral appeal was found to have no effect, but a clear and substantial impact was observed for the sanction threat.
Challenging Moral Attitudes With Moral Messages - Andrew …
Jul 3, 2019 · The results support a persuasive-matching pattern: A moral appeal was more persuasive than a nonmoral appeal to the extent that initial attitudes were based on moral concerns (i.e., attitudes were moralized), but the opposite was true when initial attitudes had less of a moral basis.
In particular, the study shows that moral appeals in political ads elicit a strong emotional response from voters and that it is precisely through an adjustment in their use of moral appeals that candidates signal their moderation as they pivot
Challenging moral attitudes with moral messages. - APA PsycNet
The results support a persuasive-matching pattern: A moral appeal was more persuasive than a nonmoral appeal to the extent that initial attitudes were based on moral concerns (i.e., attitudes were moralized), but the opposite was true when initial attitudes had less of a moral basis.