Norfolk to Raleigh - 4 ways to travel via train, bus, car, and plane
You can take a train from Norfolk to Raleigh Union Station via Petersburg Amtrak Station in around 5h 22m. Alternatively, Greyhound USA operates a bus from Norfolk to Raleigh Bus Station twice daily. Tickets cost $13–120 and the journey takes 4h 45m.
Distance from Raleigh, NC to Norfolk, VA - Distance between cities
There are 150.42 miles from Raleigh to Norfolk in northeast direction and 183 miles (294.51 kilometers) by car, following the US-58 route. Raleigh and Norfolk are 3 hours 5 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Raleigh, NC to Norfolk, VA. The halfway point is Pleasant Hill, NC.
Distance from Norfolk, VA to Raleigh, NC - Distance between cities
Norfolk and Raleigh are 3 hours 4 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Norfolk, VA to Raleigh, NC. The halfway point is Pleasant Hill, NC. Norfolk, VA and Raleigh, NC are in the same time zone (EDT). Current time in both locations is 11:50 am.
Raleigh to Norfolk - 4 ways to travel via train, bus, car, and plane
The cheapest way to get from Raleigh to Norfolk costs only $40, and the quickest way takes just 3¼ hours. Find the travel option that best suits you.
Cities between Raleigh, North Carolina and Norfolk, Virginia
What are the best places to stop from Raleigh, North Carolina to Norfolk, Virginia? Find all the towns and cities in between.
Distance from Raleigh, NC to Norfolk, VA - Travelmath
How far is it from Raleigh, North Carolina to Norfolk, Virginia? View a map with the mileage distance between Raleigh, NC and Norfolk, VA to plan your trip.
Distance from Norfolk, VA to Raleigh, NC - Travelmath
The total driving distance from Norfolk, VA to Raleigh, NC is 184 miles or 296 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Norfolk, VA to Raleigh, NC is 151 miles. This is equivalent to 242 kilometers or 131 nautical miles. Your trip begins in …
Driving Distance from Norfolk, VA to Raleigh, NC - Travelmath
The total driving distance from Norfolk, VA to Raleigh, NC is 184 miles or 296 kilometers. Your trip begins in Norfolk, Virginia. It ends in Raleigh, North Carolina.
How far is Raleigh from Norfolk - driving distance - Trippy
Here's the quick answer if you drive this relatively short distance without making any stops. Nonstop drive: 184 miles or 296 km. Driving time: 2 hours, 51 minutes. Even though you can drive this distance straight through, it might be more interesting to stop along the way.
How to travel from Norfolk, VA to Raleigh, NC - Omio
2 days ago · Find the best way to travel from Norfolk, VA to Raleigh, NC by train, bus, flight or ferry. Book tickets from $32 (€29) with Omio today.