Home | Maryvale Catholic Primary School
Feb 14, 2018 · Maryvale Catholic Primary School. With our mother Mary, we gather together joyfully, to love, live, learn and pray, with respect for all God’s family, as Jesus teaches us. Website Menu. Home; About Us. Welcome; Mission; Catholic life. Our School Mission; Catholic life. Almsgiving; Holy Week; Live Simply Award. Live in Solidarity. Family Fast ...
Welcome | Maryvale Catholic Primary School
Maryvale is one of the oldest Catholic Primary Schools in the country. The school was built on the present site in 1881 by the Sisters of Mercy to cater for the children in the orphanage and for local Catholic families.
Who's Who | Maryvale Catholic Primary School
Who are the best people to talk to in this school about my child's difficulties with learning/Special Educational needs or disability (SEND)? What are the different types of support available for children with SEND at Maryvale?
Mission | Maryvale Catholic Primary School
Feb 6, 2023 · Our School Mission underpins all we do and say at Maryvale Catholic Primary school. As a community we pride ourselves on actively living out the mission by loving, living, learning and praying as Jesus teaches us.
Gallery | Maryvale Catholic Primary School
Maryvale Catholic Primary School. With our mother Mary, we gather together joyfully, to love, live, learn and pray, with respect for all God’s family, as Jesus teaches us. Website Menu. Home; About Us. Welcome; Mission; Catholic life. Our School Mission; Catholic life. Almsgiving; Holy Week; Live Simply Award. Live in Solidarity. Family Fast ...
Curriculum | Maryvale Catholic Primary School
At Maryvale School, we want every child with SEND to not only achieve academically but also to be equipped with skills to enable them to go out into the wider community and deal with the next stage of their transition.
Reception | Maryvale Catholic Primary School
In Reception, children may come into school wearing their PE kit. The PE uniform is a yellow t-shirt and black jogging bottoms/leggings or long shorts in warmer weather. On PE days, Reception children may also come into school wearing trainers but these should not have laces.
Catholic life | Maryvale Catholic Primary School
At Maryvale we have focused on, prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Each class has chosen a charity to raise money for by completing a range of activities, for example, Disney Dress Up Day, CAFOD'S Walk Against Hunger, Father Hudson's Good Shepherd Appeal, Family Fast Day, Walk A Mile, the list goes on...
Vocations | Maryvale Catholic Primary School
At Maryvale we are passionate about helping the children to understand the meaning of vocation and begin to assist the children in discerning theirs. “Vocare” is the Latin word for “to call.” Our vocation is “the call to holiness” - not just our occupation.
Our School Mission | Maryvale Catholic Primary School
What do I do if I am worried about my child's learning in school? What kinds of special educational needs might the children at Maryvale Catholic Primary School have? Who are the best people to talk to in this school about my child's difficulties with learning/Special Educational needs or disability (SEND)?