Distance from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ - Distance between cities
El Paso and Nogales are 5 hours 41 mins far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ. The halfway point is Lordsburg, NM. El Paso, TX and Nogales, AZ are in the same time zone (MDT). Current time in both locations is 6:42 pm.
Driving Distance from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ - Travelmath
You can use DriveDistance.com to get the full driving distance from El Paso to Nogales with directions. The total driving distance from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ is 343 miles or 552 kilometers. Your trip begins in El Paso, Texas. It ends in Nogales, Arizona.
Driving distance from El Paso to Nogales, AZ is 343 miles
Explore all of the routes from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ. Compare the flight distance to driving distance from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ, or check for a bus or train from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ. Calculate the total cost to drive from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ. Or find out if it's better to fly or drive from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ?
El Paso to Nogales - 7 ways to travel via train, bus, car ... - Rome2rio
There are 7 ways to get from El Paso to Nogales by bus, train, car, plane, or shuttle. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2Rio's travel planner.
Nogales to El Paso - 8 ways to travel via train, bus, car ... - Rome2rio
The cheapest way to get from Nogales to El Paso costs only $76, and the quickest way takes just 5¾ hours. Find the travel option that best suits you.
Driving Time from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ - Travelmath
How long is the drive from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ? The total driving time is 5 hours, 12 minutes. Your trip begins in El Paso, Texas. It ends in Nogales, Arizona. If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ.
Best route to drive from El Paso to Nogales, AZ
Find the best roads to take from El Paso to Nogales, AZ by car if you're planning a trip. If you want to explore small towns along the way, get a list of cities between El Paso, TX and Nogales, AZ. Looking for alternate routes? Explore all of the routes from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ.
El Paso to Nogales, AZ via I-10
Find out how many hours from El Paso to Nogales, AZ by car if you're planning a road trip. If you want to explore small towns along the way, get a list of cities between El Paso, TX and Nogales, AZ. Looking for alternate routes? Explore all of the routes from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ. Get the driving distance from El Paso, TX to Nogales, AZ.
Distance from Nogales, AZ to El Paso, TX - Travelmath
The total driving distance from Nogales, AZ to El Paso, TX is 343 miles or 552 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Nogales, AZ to El Paso, TX is 264 miles . This is equivalent to 425 kilometers or 229 nautical miles .
Distancia entre El Paso y Nogales - us.lasdistancias.net
La distancia en línea recta entre El Paso (Texas) y Nogales (Arizona) es de 423,92, pero la distancia en ruta es de 552. Se tardan en ir de El Paso a Nogales en auto, lo que requeriría un consumo de 33 litros de combustible.
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