What is the origin of "sucker" and "it sucks"?
etymonline has for suck: O.E. sucan, from PIE root sug-/suk-of imitative origin. Meaning “do fellatio” is first recorded 1928. Slang sense of “be contemptible” first attested 1971 (the underlying notion is of fellatio). and sucker: “young mammal before it is weaned”, late 14c., agent noun from suck. Slang meaning “person who is ...
offensive language - Cleaner alternative for "sucks". - English ...
v. (intransitive, slang) To be very undesirable (see also suck). Instead of saying "this sucks", one could say "shucks!" or "nuts!" This would depend on how much something "sucks", of course. shucks: Interjection (colloquial) Exclamatory response to a minor disappointment. nuts: Interjection Indicates annoyance, anger, or disappointment.
Is the term "you suck" always considered slang? [closed]
Jun 9, 2015 · Wentworth & Flexner lists suck itself as taboo in the first sense of the word, but draws a fine line between suck and suck off in the second sense: suck v.i., v.t. 1 [taboo] To perform cunnilingus or, esp., fellatio. --> 2 To curry favor with people in in authority. Although not taboo, prob. from "suck off."
What is the origin of "go suck an egg"? - English Language
“Any boy 'at 'll take a dare 'll suck eggs, and any boy 'at 'll suck eggs 'll steal sheep,” quoted the other in a solemn chant. Evidently, something about sucking eggs is notoriously revolting to the youthful mind and inexcusable in a farm dog's conduct.
What does “suck it up and go” mean? - English Language & Usage ...
Jul 3, 2011 · The phrase "suck it up" contains a literal component. For example, when two people are in a heated discussion and one of them says something he shouldn't have said, the other person (who was likely offended) can do one of at least two things: 1) take umbrage and lash back with something equally offensive; or 2) suck in a deep breath and in that instant determine NOT to take offense or lash back.
word choice - Formal alternative for "suck" - English Language
Basically, what you would like to say is that you suck but you are a "fast-learner." Like you said, "I suck less at a job every day." Now, the problem is how to word it because the expression "fast-learner" or "quick-learner" is actually a kind of cliche in CV writing. You could say: "Positive attitude with ability to adapt to new challenges." Or,
Where is it relevant to use the word "sucks" and where is it not?
Feb 27, 2016 · As originally used, it applies the verb suck in its specific meaning of perform fellatio. In its original manifestation, the expression's sexual connotation and strong denigration made it inappropriate in all but the most grossly proletarian and sophomoric contexts.
idioms - Etymology of 'teaching grandma to suck eggs'? - English ...
Jun 26, 2011 · "You would have me teach my Grandame to suck Eggs." A little more on the egg-sucking part from Wordwizard: Perhaps its meaning is getting lost in time as few people nowadays literally suck eggs. Many years ago people would suck out the egg contents by piercing the egg at both ends and then sucking on one of the ends.
Is there a WORD For: sound made by mouth to express …
Feb 16, 2018 · The sound made by pushing middle tongue against palate, tip of tongue bent downward and pushed up against upper teeth and sucking in air sharply w/ mouth open, chin drops and holds for an instant.
What's the word for the when you suck snot back up your nose?
Jun 11, 2019 · My mom and I say 'soup' like: "Why are you souping the snot back up your nose?" But I realise that this is not accurate. So what's the word?