Despite the increasing demand, equipment manufacturers and their customers often struggle to find and offer such leasing solutions. The reason being that most finance companies strictly look at the ...
For the second time this year, Omaha is bidding farewell to a foundry. But unlike Omaha Steel Castings Co., which is in the process of moving to a new $12 million plant in Wahoo, Neb., production is ...
The Chair of Foundry Technology at the University of Kassel invites you to the Global GIGA-Casting Congress 2025, taking place on March 5–6, 2025, in Kassel, Germany. Pressemitteilung | Reading time: ...
In the past, companies prioritized economic success over environmental protection. However, today, environmental protection and economic efficiency are recognized as urgent necessities for preserving ...
Automatisierung Chemikalien Kernherstellungen Ausleeren, Entkernen, Putzen, Rohgussnachbehandlung Umwelt, Energie und Sicherheit Wärmebehandlung IT-Lösungen Schmelzbetrieb Metalle und Legierungen ...
Non-Ferrous Metals of Siberia-2010 International Congress and Exhibition was held in Krasnoyarsk on September… ...
The German machine tool industry sees itself as well-positioned in the international competition,’ reports Franz-Xaver Bernhard, chairman of the VDW (German Machine Tool Builders’ Association) at the ...
Scott Lakey, formerly employed at Lodge Cast Iron, has joined Inductotherm Corp. as the new Manager of Customer Training. He will oversee Inductotherm’s customer training program. Scott brings 27 ...
Mit großem Respekt und Dank verabschiedet sich die WFO von Mark Fenyes, einem langjährigen und geschätzten Mitglied, aus seinen aktiven Verantwortlichkeiten. Sein unermüdliches Engagement und seine ...
With great respect and heartfelt gratitude, the World Foundry Organization (WFO) bids farewell to Mark Fenyes as he steps back from his active responsibilities within the association. His tireless ...