In order to strengthen cooperation within the DLR institutes and facilities in the fields of space, aeronautics and transport, make optimum use of synergy effects and avoid thematic duplication, the ...
The aim of the ProTrain project is effective passenger routing for better utilisation of existing capacities in rail transport. With the help of forecasts and current occupancy information, travellers ...
The institute members are marked with bold letters. Under the given Links you will find the abstracts of the papers and if necessary also the papers, if they may be published in the internet.
The facility at the DLR Institute of Test and Simulation for Gas Turbines in Augsburg is used for the microanalysis of materials from the engine and general turbomachinery sector.
Research conducted at the Astrobiology Space Simulation Facility of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine of the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) in Cologne is ...
In January 2025, the number of departures increased at 24 of the world's 25 largest airports compared to the previous year. Globally, passenger flights grew by 4.5%, while in Germany there was a 3% ...
This thesis will focus on exploring various methodologies for generating low-scale topography, including spherical harmonics, surface fractal modeling, and artificial intelligence, ultimately ...
E-world energy & water is the meeting place for the European energy industry. Exhibitors from all over the world present sustainable technologies and intelligent services for the future of energy.
Aerosols are airborne solid and liquid particles with diameters between 0.001 and 100 micrometers. They remain in the troposphere for the relatively short time of a few days to a few weeks, so their ...
New functions of driving assistance systems should be tested not only in virtual traffic simulations, but also under real-time conditions in actual road traffic. With the aim of improving road safety, ...
DLR has equipped a Braunschweig traffic intersection for research purposes. Stereo cameras record the traffic situation in order to better understand the behaviour of road users and to analyse ...
DLR uses mobile measurement stations with high-precision sensor technologies to record motorised and non-motorised road users at different locations. These technologies can be used in a more flexible ...