A short-lived, strikingly stunning native mayfly known to fly-fishers and aquatic admirers yet seldom seen by the public may have its time in the spotlight this month as a nominee for the 2025 New ...
The tables below show the probabilities (or percent chances) for each of three categories: above average, near average, and below average. In the absence of any forecast guidance there would be an ...
The ocean and atmosphere have transitioned to a weak La Niña that will likely be brief, primarily focused on the central Pacific (i.e., La Niña “Modoki”). There is a 50% chance that La Niña will ...
Thirty eight scientists and crew will set sail today for Antarctica on NIWA’s research vessel Tangaroa, with the aim of going as far south as the Ross Ice Shelf - a first for the ship. The ship, with ...
NIWA’s new research vessel, Kaharoa II, will be conducting ten days of sea trials out from Nelson, starting next week. A team of fisheries scientists will be working around outer Tasman Bay in water ...