徐丽丽说,自己倒地时头撞到了地面,手机也飞出老远。经过附近的两位女士见状,立刻拨打急救电话,并将手机捡回来递给她。当时即将失去意识的她忍着疼痛拨打了丈夫的电话求救。李锴随后立即根据妻子发送的位置信息赶了过去。当他抵达现场时,徐丽丽已经在救护车上接受抢 ...
数据显示,厄瓜多尔公民收到的遣返令最多,大约有3万3千人被下令遣返。中国位居第二,共有2万8242 名中国公民被下达遣返令。近年来,纽约市的大量移民涌入主要是归因于委内瑞拉人逃离其祖籍国的贫困和政治动荡,但这一趋势并未在数据中充分体现。仅有不到5千名委内瑞拉人被法院下达了遣返令。
After a driver ran her over twice, Lili Xu was left with multiple fractures and lung damage. The suspect remains at large.
Trump’s DHS secretary ended Biden's TPS extension for Venezuelans, leaving thousands without protection after Sept. 10.
With safety deportation plans and 'Know Your Rights' workshops, labor organizations and workers’ centers are offering critical resources to their immigrant members.
Plus: Trump's sweeping immigration crackdown targets some legal means to enter U.S., and more of the latest immigration news ...
Federal authorities detained at least four people in a series of early morning arrests tweeted out across government X accounts.
The steady decline in executions in the United States could see a reversal with President Trump seeking the expansion of capital punishment.
Trump has kicked off a series of raids and deportations that belie his goal of prioritizing arrests of immigrants with ...
Plus: A high-level analysis of Trump's first executive actions, an escalating crackdown on gangs, and more immigration news ...