Hixson’s Timely Trims is a Christmas wonderland that never grows old. If you’re looking for Christmas tree ornaments, classic Santa memorabilia or want to “ooh” and “ahh” at gorgeous seasonal displays ...
The Coit Road Farmers Market — Cleveland’s only remaining year-round farmers market with a dedicated building — has a lot of history. That means it’s had a lot of ups and downs but with the interest ...
Does a leisurely trip down a lazy river sound good to you? Come out to Ashtabula County where Grand River Canoe Livery will rent you a canoe or kayak for periods ranging from an hour to a week to take ...
At the end of his life, Alan Schonberg, chairman emeritus of MRINetwork, battled stage four lung cancer. He underwent an intensive regimen of radiation and chemo therapy, with the usual resulting side ...
Canton’s Cultured Coffee & Waffles Company may have started as a coffee shop but it’s long outgrown that identity, offering way more than just a cup of java. Its two locations serve sweet and savory ...
Angelo’s Nido Italia is one of Little Italy’s heritage restaurants, an Italian classic that eschews trendiness. It’s got an elegant, white tablecloth atmosphere, but still manages to be cozy and ...
The monthly adults-only evening at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History is really adult-y this month. The theme is “Beer and Beyond: Fermentation” and the sponsors are Great Lakes Brewing, ...
A visit to Flower Child is truly like stepping back in time. The shop — a two-story maze of rooms — is loaded with decor, fashion, toys, kitchen accessories and kitsch from the ’30s through the ’80s.
Starship Earth is Northeast Ohio’s Halloween Headquarters. Make this your first stop for costumes, props, wigs, make up, masks, jewelry and whatever you need for your next costume event. But why stop ...
Scott Shepard has been running Time Traveler Records since 1980, a treasurer trove for music collectors. His store is stocked with vinyl, CDs, cassettes, posters and collectibles from all of rock & ...
Just over four years ago, Brett Mitchell and his then-fiancé, Angela, packed up their home in Houston and moved to Cleveland. While picking up their first round of groceries in University Heights, ...
If you have lived in Cleveland for any period of time, you no doubt have some kind of work connection to Sherwin Williams. Most people in Northeast Ohio at least know someone who has worked there or ...