Grogu, better known as Baby Yoda, is the internet’s favorite mischievous little Force user. From his iconic soup sipping to ...
Yet another writer has been brought in to crack the code of "New Jedi Order," which is expected to star Daisy Ridley.
Lucasfilm has hired yet another screenwriter to bang out a new script for Star Wars: New Jedi Order. The still-in-development ...
The Tamagotchi gets an update with this Darth Vader edition, complete with mini-games, character interactions, and lightsaber ...
Star Wars fans all know the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker–and all see the way that things might have been, the flashpoints ...
Bandai just announced a new Darth Vader-themed Tamagotchi, complete with a helmet-shaped exterior. It comes out in March and ...
Every Star Wars fan knows the three most prominent Skywalkers: Anakin, Luke, and Rey - but fans might not know that they are ...
Cobb Vanth is shot in a showdown with Cad Bane. Luke Skywalker is training Grogu and trying to establish a new Jedi temple. He gives Grogu a choice between remaining a Padawan and becoming ...
In the process of defeating the syndicate, Mando is also reunited with Grogu after the youngling chooses to be with his surrogate father instead of continuing his Jedi training with Luke Skywalker.
When not writing for CNET you can find him riding a bike, running around in Jedi robes, or contributing ... with minifigs of Din Djarin, Grogu and a Tusken Raider alongside a speeder bike, Tusken ...