A three metre dead whale, believed to be a baby pilot, has washed up on a popular western suburbs beach. Early morning ...
The animal’s dorsal fin was still floppy, indicating it was less than 24 hours old, according to news reports.
The rare orca pod has only been documented seven times since 1993. The two females and three kids were seen about 2.5 miles from Newport Beach last week.
Experts say Southern Resident Orca “Ocean Sun” will soon turn 100 years old and is considered the oldest orca in the world.
Momma Accordion and her not-yet-named newborn were pictured frolicking in the frigid waters of the Port of New York and New ...
4. Fin whales derive their name from the noticeable, curved dorsal fins located close to their tails. 5. Fin whales hold the distinction of being the fastest among all great whales, capable of ...
A rare dwarf sperm whale mysteriously washed ashore in Australia, prompting an official investigation, according to news ...
There is excitement and concern for North Atlantic right whale mother and calf spotted in busy shipping lanes.
The carcass of a dwarf sperm whale is found washed up on an Adelaide beach, with a local tour boat operator who says he saw the "very rare" animal when it was alive and several kilometres offshore ...
Captive killer whales are already controversial given their decreased life span and the widespread dorsal fin collapse among males. Likewise, criticism often points to the fact that they're kept ...