If you feel your credit card bill is bad, you should see the amount of federal debt the United States holds. The rapidly growing deficit seems to indicate between what the government spends, ...
The country risks an economic "heart attack" if lawmakers are unable to reel in the national debt, warns one hedge fund ...
Fiscal hawks warn that deficits produce higher inflation rates and higher interest rates that harm the poor the most.
The Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) latest budget and economic outlook includes a troubling projection for net inte ...
Ray Dalio, the founder of the world's largest hedge fund, recently warned of serious economic consequences for the U.S. if ...
TV news, I heard about President Trump signing the “stimulus” bill. His desire for $2,000 per American was reported, but much of what the TV news media had to say about him ...
America's national debt hit a new record in November when it eclipsed $36 trillion for the first time ever. It's a staggering amount that can not only effect U.S. economic growth but also essential ...
More than 20 states in the U.S. already have their versions of a sovereign wealth fund, Alaska's being the largest.
Entitlements are created by law and convey a benefit if certain conditions are met; however, entitlements are not a legally ...
Rising deficits and interest costs impede economic growth and undermine global trust in the dollar.