In this video we'll take a look at thermal radiation, one of the three modes of heat transfer along with conduction and ...
Can a global pandemic affect temperatures on the Moon? A 2024 study linked worldwide lockdowns with a drop in heat radiation reaching the Moon from Earth – but now scientists say that wasn't actually ...
When it’s a challenge to capture a suspicious home issue with a conventional camera that relies on visible light, consider ...
Because no particles are involved, radiation can work through the vacuum of space. This is why we can still feel the heat of the Sun even though it is 150 million km away from the Earth.
Recently, the group of Prof. Labao Zhang of Nanjing University, together with the group of researcher Haiyong Gan of the National Institute of Metrology, China, have developed a new thermal radiation ...
Nonreciprocal thermal radiation is an emerging area of research that explores how certain materials can emit and absorb thermal radiation in a way that does not follow traditional laws of ...
A black body completely absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that falls on it irrespective of its wavelength. When such a body is in a state of heat equilibrium, it emits radiation, such as light or ...
Researchers have shown for the first time that heat transfer in the form of infrared radiation can influence chemical reactions more strongly than traditional convection and conduction methods.