Skeleton Crew, created by Jon Watts, features four kids on a journey through the Star Wars universe. Star Wars: Skeleton Crew ends with an explosive finale involving a showdown with Jod and his ...
Kid-oriented Star Wars stuff has been around forever, and Disney has specifically never shied away from selling Star Wars to ...
This review contains full spoilers for Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Season 1, Episode 7. After a galaxy-spanning adventure through pirate stations, planet-wide battlefields, and a luxury spa ...
The best thing about Skeleton Crew is that, in a time of uncertainty for the larger Star Wars franchise as it tries to return to cinemas, the show has aptly navigated the universe without linking ...
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew‘s finale episode finally revealed whether Jude Law’s rascally character, Jod Na Nawood, was a Jedi or not. And the answer is: sort of. In an emotionally charged ...
The Disney+ series Star Wars: Skeleton Crew came to a dramatic end on Tuesday night, with the airing of the eighth and final episode of Season 1. Skeleton Crew follows a group of children who are ...
Jude Law as Jod Na Nawood on Star Wars: Skeleton Crew The Star Wars: Skeleton Crew finale, “The Real Good Guys,” touches on Ja Na Nawood’s backstory, confirming a surprising detail about the ...
keep reading so you don't miss a minute of it. Star Wars: Skeleton Crew episodes will release at 9:00 PM EST on Tuesdays for the duration of its run, with a special Monday drop for the first two ...
As the latest Star Wars TV show, Skeleton Crew, comes to an end, you might be feeling nostalgic for the 1980s. The series ...
Credit: Matt Kennedy/Lucasfilm Ltd. I think that both the story of Skeleton Crew could have been better served as a movie and that it would have been a better refresh for the Star Wars movie brand.