"In the journey of life, we could identify hope as the signpost that marks our itinerary," Pope Francis said during a meeting ...
Francis spent much of the past decade in relatively good health but has dealt with several painful medical conditions over ...
With his new encyclical, Pope Francis added his voice to this chorus of encouragement inviting people not to lose heart.
Pope Francis didn’t break his arm, but a sling was put on as a precaution, the Vatican spokesman said in a statement.
Despite the current challenges, Pope Francis concluded his speech by emphasizing the unique role of interreligious dialogue in building a future of reconciliation, justice and peace. He urged young ...
The Autobiography," the pope reflects on his childhood, vocation, his age and shares an encouraging message of a hope that ...
Much of the book contains familiar stories of Pope Francis' past, his childhood and relationship with his grandmother Rosa, ...
In Pope Francis' autobiography Hope he reiterates themes of his papacy like hatred of war and unchecked capitalism, and a ...
While saying he never expected to be pope this long, in his new autobiography, Pope Francis said he still has dreams for the ...
Can Hope, his autobiographical meditations on migration, sexuality and war, assuage a Catholic church in crisis?
Hope: The Autobiography” was only supposed to be published after Francis’ death. But at his own request, the book is hitting ...
The book, which was six years in the making, vividly recreates Francis’ childhood in Buenos Aires but offers few new insights ...