If you feel your credit card bill is bad, you should see the amount of federal debt the United States holds. The rapidly growing deficit seems to indicate between what the government spends, ...
Nigeria's rising debt profile. Commentators, policymakers, and citizens alike have been fixated on what Nigeria owes-an understandable concern given that the country's public debt stood at over N87 ...
U.S. government bonds, or Treasuries, are the primary way the federal government borrows money and one of the world’s most ...
Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images National debt is an extremely important issue for many American voters, and plays a significant role in their choice of president. This begs the question: how much of ...
It’s vital for Congress to pair pro-growth tax cuts with pro-growth spending reforms. The federal budget itself needs a ...
National Grid's U.S. business shows strong growth potential in data centers and fusion. See why NGG stock is a buy for ...
The fate of President Trump’s ambitious economic policy plans will be determined by the people he appoints to critical positions. With a debt of more than $36 trillion — heading toward $59 trillion in ...
The country risks an economic "heart attack" if lawmakers are unable to reel in the national debt, warns one hedge fund ...
“Credit card debt and the interest rates have a stranglehold over the country right now,” said Jim Triggs, President and CEO at MMI. “Pre-pandemic, millennials did a good job managing their debt, but ...
Global growth is projected at 3.3 percent both in 2025 and 2026, below the historical (2000–19) average of 3.7 percent. The forecast for 2025 is broadly unchanged from that in the October 2024 World ...
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi may seek to arrest slowing economic growth in the world's fifth-largest economy and prepare for an uncertain year of global trade when his government presents the ...
Banks who helped finance the $44 billion Twitter buyout are ready to sell their debt for 90 to 95 cents on the dollar according to a new report.