If you don't pay what you owe on your taxes when you request an extension, you might get hit with an underpayment penalty. To ...
Letter writters offer commentary on income inequality, sanctuary city bans, school vouchers and, of course, Donald Trump.
If you don't think you can finish filing your income taxes by the April 15 deadline, you have options. To start, you can file ...
It's important to understand what a tax extension does and doesn't do or you could end up making costly mistakes.
April 15 is the filing deadline for 2024 federal income tax returns for most people. Others in states hit by disasters have ...
To check the status of your refund, use the " Where's My Refund?" tools for federal tax refunds or go to the IRS2Go app.
Most taxpayers receive refunds and money has already started being issued. There are ways to find out information about the ...
The IRS is expecting over 140 million individual tax returns for the tax year 2024 to be filed ahead of April's deadline.