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The following is a summary of “A Prospective Crossover Study Comparing Six Current Generation Supraglottic Airway Device's ...
Discover the power of hydrogel: researchers at Penn State mimic tissue behaviors using special hydrogels for potential ...
I got a $110 gel manicure and compared it to a $38 at-home kit. The price difference is clear, but so were the results.
I tried a $38 gel-manicure kit and compared it to my usual $110 professional gel set. In a time crunch, I could see why the at-home kit could be useful, but it's a lot of work. For quality alone ...
We have statistically low success rates in achieving an advanced airway with an endotracheal (ET) tube, and although there are other techniques that we can utilize (e.g., the i-gel), there are ...
Quick, easy and reliable to insert, i-gel accurately positions itself over the laryngeal ... an integral bite block to reduce the possibility of airway occlusion and a buccal cavity stabiliser to aid ...
Using video laryngoscopy and the suction catheter that bears his name, Dr. Ducanto teaches us how to manage even the most copious secretions and secure an airway with confidence under what would ...