Kavaga „Still Growing, Still Going” tutvustab kvartett Siim Aimla uue plaadi materjali, millel kõlab viimasel paaril aastal kirjutatud muusika, mis on tõukunud Aimla iidolite, nagu näiteks Coltrane, ...
Kliimaministeerium valmistub Haapsalu lahte vetika- ja karbikasvanduse rajamiseks, mis peaks päästma väga halvas seisukorras lahe kinni kasvamisest ja ühtlasi looma uudse võimaluse ettevõtluseks.
Spa visits are one way to initiate self-care, say experts. Treatments available in Singapore span a huge spectrum, from Western-style deep-tissue massage using hypervolt massage guns to Japanese ...
Archaeologists in Pompeii have uncovered one of the city’s largest private spa complexes, connected to a lavish banquet hall in the Regio IX district. The remarkable discovery, located in insula ...
LOS ANGELES (KTLA) – A hillside home overlooking the Pacific Ocean that survived the devastating Palisades Fire has split in half from a landslide directly behind the property. The home is now ...
Mud volcanoes—relatively unheard of in North America, but prominent in volcanic regions around the globe—have quietly changed Earth’s landscape throughout our planet’s history. Eagle-eyed ...