JEFFERSON CITY — Missouri Republicans are moving forward with a ballot question to partially reverse the state’s new ...
SB 846, filed by Sen. Bryan Hughes would give unprecedented prosecutorial powers to the attorney general on issues of voter ...
An Idaho Republican state senator wants women who seek abortions to be prosecuted for murder and face other potential ...
The Wyoming Legislature considered two different bills on Wednesday that take new approaches in trying to ban abortions. The ...
Democrats agreed to let a Republican take the speakership of the Minnesota House after a weekslong fight over control of the ...
It starts with framing Democrats who control the governor’s office and both chambers of the state Legislature as ineffective ...
But he was skeptical that Trump would fulfill the anti-abortion movement’s sweeping ambitions. “It would be great if we ...
An anti-abortion group is set to gain access to detailed records of every abortion performed in Indiana following a policy ...
A new poll shows Texans have complex views on abortion, with a majority supporting some access and exceptions. Voters seem to ...
Colorado lawmakers this week plan to introduce a pair of bills that would further strengthen state laws around abortion ...
Lawmakers heard legislation Tuesday to reverse what voters approved in November as GOP members are trying to make abortion ...
This is not in any way lessening due process for those who are convicted and are facing the death penalty,” said Rep. Bruce Skaug, R-Nampa, the bill’s lead sponsor.