Surmising even the physical appearance of a dinosaur - or any extinct animal - based on its fossils is a tricky proposition, with so many uncertainties involved. Assessing a dinosaur's ...
An understanding of brain evolution may prove useful in the development of research in forensic psychology, including ...
the fossils were thought to belong to a large theropod dinosaur called Carcharodontosaurus — but closer inspection of the photos revealed a prominent horn, an enlarged frontal brain and other ...
Now, more than a decade later, new analysis of the fossils has found that they belong to a new 73-million-year-old species, according to a study published Jan. 28 in the peer-reviewed journal ...
are shared at least analogously with modern reptiles and even with evolutionarily unrelated dinosaurs. For example, if you examine the fossil brain of a Tyrannosaurus rex, a cranial core endocast ...