ICE agents detained an Iraq war veteran outside his Laveen neighborhood. His wife said his treatment is a product of "unjust ...
The flight coincides with an uptick in people being held at the Northwest detention center in Tacoma and could be a sign that ...
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is releasing some migrant detainees, in some cases dozens per day, as space in its ...
Leavenworth residents are keeping a watchful eye on the former Leavenworth Detention Center building now that ownership has ...
ICE was forced to release detained migrants and place them on monitored leave after growing concerns of overcrowding ...
One alder said a constituent called her concerned raids were happening in Milwaukee because of the misinformation.
Costs of immigration proceedings expected to rise as a result of restricting access to legal services for noncitizens, plaintiffs contend.
Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt said his jail is at capacity, the home of the state's only deportation center for U.S.
Protesters gathered outside of MetraPark on Saturday to oppose Mark Morse's letter offering the space to detain undocumented ...