Viltrox is a brand we've come to know for its well-priced yet high-performing lenses, but it also produces a wide range of ...
Explore vibrant co-living spaces in East Asia, designed for young professionals prioritizing convenience and shared ...
When you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more› By Megan Wollerton We’ve added Aqara’s LED Bulb T2 to What to look forward to. January 2025 Smart LED bulbs provide a ...
Ruangan yang kekurangan cahaya bukan cuman akan gelap, tetapi bisa membuat suasana di dalamnya terasa suram. Solusi utamanya tentu dengan menambah atau menyalakan lampu, namun ternyata ada cara lain ...
With the best LED face masks now repping technology like near-infrared light and acne-fighting blue light, the skincare industry only seems to be gaining momentum. Many of us like to think we’ve ...
Karpet bisa menjadi tambahan dekorasi interior yang memberi kesan rumah yang hangat dan estetik. Tak hanya itu, karpet bisa memberi ilusi ruangan lebih luas ataupun sempit, lho. Oleh karena itu, kamu ...
They're the next big development in LCD TVs, and they take the technology used in the best mini-LED TVs to a new level. The crucial development of RGB backlit TVs is that the backlight behind the ...
Setiap rumah dan gedung harus menggunakan sistem ventilasi yang baik. Apabila tidak, udara kotor yang penuh polutan dan patogen bisa terperangkap dalam ruangan. Jika sering beraktivitas di dalam ...
Typically referred to as light therapy or LED face masks, these contraptions use light-emitting diodes to shine light at specific wavelengths onto the skin for various purposes like reducing ...