From stunning artwork to evidence of elaborate prehistoric butchering, Live Science takes a look at seven amazing caves that ...
Archaeologists Unearth 12,000-Yr-Old Burial of a Woman, Believed to Have Been Shaman With a Spiritual Connection to Wild Animals A 12,000-year-old burial site discovered along the Tigris River in ...
‘Who or what was the unicorn?’ is the central question, and the contenders are countless and crazy, with the rhino and the mighty aurochs (a giant ox) crashing into the lead, despite the fact that ...
Using genomic data from ancient and modern samples, this important study investigates the genomic history of cattle in Iberia, focusing on the admixture between domestic cattle and their wild ...
They aimed to (1) characterize genomic variation of skeletal remains and concordance (or discordance) with morphological features; (2) test for hybridization between wild aurochs and domestic cattle; ...