Christmas is a great time to look for a telescope for your budding amateur astronomer. But there are some things to keep in ...
A rare breed of star recently discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope spins faster by feeding on its stellar siblings.
Located about 1,300 light-years from Earth, these young stars, also known as protostars, reside in a hotbed for star ...
The European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) — the world's largest visible- and infrared-light ...
The instrument is the Prime Focus Spectrograph, and it is one of the flagship instruments in the next era of the Subaru ...
A little-known chapter of the Hubble Space Telescope’s history is a reminder of the risks of looking at the sun ...
The magnificent Andromeda galaxy (Messier 31), stands out as the most important nearby stellar island to our Milky Way, and ...
The James Webb Space Telescope has spotted one of the earliest and most distant supernovas, marking the death of a stellar ...
How do images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) appear so colorful, and where do the colors come from?
The James Webb Space Telescope has captured a mid-infrared picture of Sagittarius A*, filling in a long-standing gap in ...
A team of astronomers sifted through James Webb Space Telescope data from multiple surveys to compile one of the largest ...
The journey of astronomical telescopes began in the early 17th century when Galileo Galilei crafted his first refracting ...