Most ordinary Anglo-Saxons thought he was a bit weird with his haircut and his itchy dress and they carried on believing in their old gods. So much for Augustine. Aidan to the rescue! He was ...
The word 'church' in common language has many meanings depending on the context. This is the story ...
They learnt to read and write Latin, studied music and religious writing. Anglo-Saxon times were good times to be a girl. The Anglo-Saxons believed it was just as important for girls to be ...
Gloucestershire, with large swathes of its landscape covered by the Cotswolds Area of Natural Beauty (AONB), has seen wars of ...
All the same, this is a rich and appealing book. Humankind’s inventiveness in conceptualising the workings of the world ...
It will explore the people and their beliefs, and will demonstrate that Anglo-Saxon England was intricately connected to the wider European and Mediterranean world.
When did the Viking Age begin and end, and why is it so difficult to define? Explore when and how the era of Scandinavian ...
Saxon world used to be about the virtues of free trade and the horrors of mercantilism. Do we matter? No. Europe and Asia ...
“The joke has always been, ‘Zakk, are you from the South?’ And I say, ‘Yeah, South Jersey! Down near the shore, bro!’”: Why ...
COMMENTARY: Why did Catholic historian Christopher Dawson fear a post-Christian world? His writings offer a sobering critique ...
Facing east, the chapel reflected the era's religious practices and highlighted ... These discoveries suggest that many more such sites from Anglo-Saxon England may still await uncovering.
Explore How the West's Narrative on the Ukraine Crisis May Obscure Deeper Historical Truths and the Complexities of ...