Most ordinary Anglo-Saxons thought he was a bit weird with his haircut and his itchy dress and they carried on believing in their old gods. So much for Augustine. Aidan to the rescue! He was ...
The word 'church' in common language has many meanings depending on the context. This is the story ...
It will explore the people and their beliefs, and will demonstrate that Anglo-Saxon England was intricately connected to the wider European and Mediterranean world.
“The joke has always been, ‘Zakk, are you from the South?’ And I say, ‘Yeah, South Jersey! Down near the shore, bro!’”: Why ...
Sentience–sapience relations are of particular interest because they contribute to determinations of what a human being is, how human beings are different from other animals, meanings that ...
A follower of Emerson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson became a passionate abolitionist and supporter of John Brown.
DURING my series on the ancient history of Scotland’s towns and villages, I promised I would write about the history of our country’s ...
Whenever Britain faced conflict - from early invasions by the Celts and Romans to WWII when skies were criss-crossed with ...
I’M reading in the stratosphere, trying to distract myself with high discourse, as Scotland stumbles around powerlessly… And there we pop up, ...
Growing up, many of us hear about historical events that sound real, so we take them as fact. Yet, in … Continue reading ...
Archaeologists believe they found a residence of medieval ruler Harold Godwinson, England’s last Anglo-Saxon king. A nearby ...
Archaeologists have likely found King Harold’s lost residence in Bosham, shown in the Bayeux Tapestry, confirming its elite ...