the Triangulum galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud) taken into account, the researchers found the chances of a MilkyWay-Andromedacollision were reduced to a coin flip. And if the merger ...
According to a new study, our MilkyWaygalaxy may have already begun ... If that’s the case, then the MilkyWay and Andromeda, thought to be on a collision course in about four billion ...
Situated approximately 2.5 million light-years from Earth, the AndromedaGalaxy is the closest major galaxy to the MilkyWay, belonging to the Local Group cluster. It is a barred spiral ...
It is a majestic spiral-shaped galaxy, similar to our MilkyWay, but containing many more stars. The Andromeda Galaxy is the nearest major galaxy to our own. (We do have closer neighbor ...