I arrived back in Berlin on Thursday after almost 4 weeks of vacation. I would like to preface my report by saying that my stay in Ethiopia was first and foremost a visit to the part of my Ethiopian ...
During the celebration, a meeting was held to discuss the importance of the Arabic language in Ethiopia, with the aim of building bridges of understanding between the Arabic and the Amharic (one of ...
Getting granular, though, which languages are the ones that will earn you the most money this year? GitHub’s most recent Octoverse report indicates that the most popular programming languages in ...
Learning sign language can be a fun experience and help you communicate with more people in the deaf and hard of hearing community. It can also lead you down many different paths. Whether you are a ...
More than 20,000 students who had exemptions from studying Irish at second level on the grounds of having a learning disability were studying other languages such as French, German and Spanish ...
Alula said neither Tigray's regional administration nor Ethiopia's federal government had fulfilled their responsibilities. As a result, many displaced people continue to live in tents. "About 600 ...
There are 10 common and seven rare DnD languages in fifth edition. The most widely-used 5e languages are Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Giant, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Orc, Draconic, and Common Sign ...
Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Consular, Parliamentary, and Expatriates Affairs Vahid Jalalzadeh has held a meting with Ethiopia's State Minister for Foreign Affairs Ambassador Mesganu Arga in ...
Iran and Ethiopia are two important countries in Asia and Africa that have unfortunately faced challenges due to the colonial policies of some powers, he said, adding that these behaviors such as ...
በኢትዮጵያ የአጼዎች እና የሥልጣኔ መናገሻነት ስማቸው ከሚጠቁሱት ታሪካዊ ስፍራዎች መካከል ጎንደር አንዷ ናት። ጎንደር ...
Ethiopia, home to some 130m people, had been the most populous country without an exchange. The rudiments of an earlier stockmarket did not survive the Emperor Haile Selassie’s overthrow in 1974.