The USAF aircraft maintenance program continues to evolve as America strengthens it warfighting posture worldwide.
This 4.5-generation fighter is expected to provide conventional strike and deterrence capabilities at a lower cost. The latest iteration of the American-made F-15 Eagle platform continues to wow. In ...
In 2019, Donald Trump announced plans to redesign Air Force One with a red, white, and blue color scheme. The Air Force later ...
A joint military training exercise known as Bamboo Eagle 25-1 is expected to cause loud noise near air bases across ...
In the past two weeks, the Coast Guard has conducted at least seven C-130 Hercules flights that spanned California, Texas and ...
Read about the Air Force's plan to raise the C-130J Combined Aircraft Delivery, Development, Integration and Engineering contract's ceiling to $25 billion.
When Donald Trump flies back to Mar-a-Lago next, he'll fly on Air Force One. He also may get his red, white and blue design ...
Franken-bird”: The US Air Force has used sections from two damaged aircraft to restore an F-35 to combat-ready status.
Air Force air crews in the skies above McClellan Airport are staying combat ready in a joint exercise with airmen from Great Britain, Australia and Canada’s air forces.
Air Force One is whatever military plane the president is on, not a particular airplane. So what does it mean when a plane is ...
Republican senators and their spouses are invited to a private dinner. Spectators can capture images of Air Force One from a ...
An Air Force F-35 fighter jet crashed at Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska on Tuesday as the pilot ejected safely, officials ...