Pada 3 Februari 2025, PT Timah minta maaf atas tindakan seorang karyawannya, Dwi Citra Weni, mengunggah video bernada ...
Para analis memberikan rekomendasi saham dan proyeksi untuk emiten yang menggelar stock split di awal tahun 2025 ...
TRIBUN-MEDAN.COM - TikToker Dwi Citra Weni alias Wenny Myzon alias Ibu Suri Wakanda belakangan ini menjadi sorotan usai hina honorer pakai BPJS. Dwi Citra Weni alias Wenny Myzon alias Ibu Suri Wakanda ...
Ternyata PT Timah merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi dan eksportir logam timah. - Halaman 4 ...
Besaran gaji, serta tunjangan yang didapat karyawan Besaran Gaji Karyawan PT Timah seusai aturan dari situs ketenagakerjaan. ...
Pretrial evidence in Nelson’s case, taken from Auburn’s own police records, documented Nelson’s history of excessive force as an officer. The jury did not hear this evidence for legal reasons.
The ACC survey found that in-house lawyers, particularly chief legal officers, increasingly manage non-legal responsibilities, such as risk management, compliance, cybersecurity, and human resources. ...
Lantas apa itu sistem SAMAN? Nah untuk mengetahuinya, simak berikut ini penjelasannya. Diberitakan, Meutya Hafid selaku Menteri Komdigi periode 2024-2029 menyampaikan bahwa pemerintah akan merilis ...
BOSTON, January 29, 2025--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Summize, a leader in contract lifecycle management (CLM) solutions, today unveiled the findings of its Legal Disruptors 2025 Report, with 77% of ...
according to a survey of chief legal officers. Forty-three percent of chief legal officers plan to “increase the volume of work” they outsource to law firms in 2025, according to a survey of 772 CLOs ...
The survey fielded by ACC is now in its 26th year and provides detailed analysis of the evolving role of the Chief Legal Officer (“CLO”) position and year-over-year trends related to legal ...