The Ten Plagues of Egypt are argued to have been the result of the eruption of Thera or Santorini. Does the evidence really support this?
Did you ever wonder why there were ten separate plagues that struck Pharaoh and the Egyptians during the process of the Jewish exodus from Egypt? Wouldn’t it have been more efficient for Hashem ...
The Qur’an states: “To Moses We did give NINE Clear Signs: ask the Children of Israel: when he (Moses) came to them, Pharaoh said to him: “O Moses! I consider you to have been worked upon by sorcery.” ...
Many of us wonder why Hashem chose to devastate Egypt with ten plagues instead of simply obliterating them with one massive strike. Why endure a year-long display of power, toying with Pharaoh and his ...
Buck’s 1931 novel recounts: “There came out of the south one day a small slight cloud. The men of the village watched it, and ...
Seeing the Egyptians close in on them, the Jews did what they had originally done to escape oppression; they cried out to G-d to save them. But this time, G-d threw the ball into their court and said, ...
Had Pharaoh not been afflicted by the sin of hubris, he would have wisely utilized this wonderful ability with humility and ...
While the commentaries analyze each miracle on its own, the overall thrust of the presentation seems to be that G-d showed an added level of care for the continual functioning of the Temple.
Passover Holiday Begins Apr 12 - Apr 20, Celebrating Freedom Forty percent of Kosher wines are sold for the Passover Holiday The Super Bowl of ...