Many people don't know they may qualify for the earned income tax credit and get up to $7,830 for some families. Here's how ...
The federal earned income tax credit celebrates 50th anniversary. Yet, IRS estimates one in five eligible taxpayers miss out ...
The Hotel Aiken was added to the National Register of Historic Places. Being added offers tax credits for potential buyers if ...
The EITC is “one of the federal government’s largest refundable tax credits for low- to moderate-income families,’ the ...
Fact checked by Vikki Velasquez The clean vehicle tax credit is designed to encourage you to purchase an electric vehicle (EV ...
If you're a homeowner in Wisconsin and aren't receiving the lottery credit on your property tax bill, you could be missing ...
The Internal Revenue Service and partners on Friday celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Earned Income Tax Credit, or EITC, ...
The official start of tax season is here. According to the IRS, taxpayers in 25 states were able to start filing on Jan. 27 ...
And as people get started on their filings, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is urging taxpayers to get a closer look at an oft-overlooked — and potentially useful — tax credit.
If HB 316 passes, the child tax credit will expand to include children both younger and older than were previously eligible.
Taxpayers in West Virginia are now eligible for the state property tax credit when they go to file their state income taxes ...