The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)-approved immunization schedules for children and adolescents and for ...
For individuals reporting cannabis use, the odds of opioid misuse are reduced among individuals in states with medical ...
Incorporating visual arts into neurology training develops residents’ observational skills, fosters empathy and humanity, and ...
Cataract surgery complications appear to be more likely in patients who have previously received intravitreal injections.
Combined ivermectin and intense pulsed light therapy can help resolve Demodex blepharitis and prevent its recurrence.
Investigators recommend a dose of 0.2 mg/mL losartan 6 times per day for patients with a current corneal epithelial defect. Topical losartan for the treatment of scarring corneal fibrosis mediated by ...
Vaccination against COVID-19 reduces the incidence of hospitalization or death and the development of severe disease among ...
Increased surgeon stress at the beginning of a surgical procedure is associated with reduced major surgical complications.
Vaccination prior to COVID-19 infection does not significantly affect neurological symptoms in patients with postacute ...