The six standard components of the FWI System provide numerical ratings of relative wildland fire potential. The first three components are fuel moisture codes that follow daily changes in the ...
Rent Assist is a financial benefit for people who receive Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) and have housing costs to cover. It is also available to other low-income private renters. Rent Assist ...
The Canada-Manitoba Housing Benefit (CMHB) is a benefit paid to eligible renters who need assistance paying for their core housing costs. The benefit can be used anywhere in Manitoba. It is cost ...
The purpose of the Child Abuse Registry is to help child and family services agencies protect children. Under certain circumstances, an employer or organization can access the Registry to determine ...
The purpose of the Adult Abuse Registry is to help protect specified adults by allowing employers to screen potential employees and volunteers who want to work with specified adults. The Registry ...
Before applying for coverage, check that you meet the eligibility requirements.
For in-person payments, Manitoba elicensing inquiries, licence purchases or park reservations, please go to 118-1181 Portage Avenue. For all other inquiries, please contact 1-866-626-4862 so we can ...
Experience the rich cultural heritage and enjoy the spectacular beauty of our provincial parks. More than four million incredible hectares of land and water set aside in 93 provincial parks protected ...
The Department works with municipal partners to build strong and healthy communities. This includes building municipal capacity, supporting and improving community development, planning and permitting ...
Manitoba’s Division of Labour is responsible for the effective delivery of programs and services pertaining to workplace safety and health, employment standards, labour relations, and public safety.
The Manitoba Affordable Energy Plan is a blueprint outlining the next generation of energy that will keep rates low for all Manitobans. This plan will include government-to-government historic ...