In a grotesque editorial in its official paper, the Palestinian Authority wrote last week that Hamas is releasing the Israeli hostages after almost a year and a half "in good health" and "without dust ...
2025 is here, and the Palestinian Authority and its preachers in the mosques have started off the year with more prayers to ...
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas': "Over 70% of the Gaza Strip residents are refugees. The only place that these refugees could set out towards from the Gaza Strip is-" Al-Hadath TV host: "The West Bank." ...
Fatah Central Committee Secretary : "Today it's clear that [US President] Trump and his policy has been exposed, and he is 100% biased in favor of the fascist neo-Nazis who rule Israel... [Trump] ...
Palestinian high school girls are taught that terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, who murdered 12 children and 25 adults, is ...
PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations Mahmoud Al-Habbash: "Over 70% of the residents of the Gaza Strip are Palestinian refugees who arrived in 1948 from ...
Many terrorists released by Israel are millionaires, flush with cash from years of receiving monthly Palestinian Authority ...
Political sociology lecturer at Hebron University Musa Ajwa: "We now need to face the same pressures that our Egyptian brothers, the Egyptian leadership, and the Jordanian leadership are facing. We ...
Democratic countries, together with humanitarian organizations, must confront UNRWA with the PA's own words and end the charade of a "humanitarian" UNRWA, and stop the violation of human rights.
Abu Kishk's obsession with Martyrdom was a defining theme of his life, not just a fleeting sentiment. On his birthday, his friends even made him a cake designed to resemble an improvised explosive ...
A senior Fatah official has hailed the release of convicted terrorists as a moment of triumph for the "giants of loyalty, sacrifice, and resolve." As Fatah calls for the "freedom of all our heroic ...