Neeraj Chopra, the renowned javelin thrower, recently married Himani Mor in a discreet ceremony in India. The couple, who ...
Neeraj Chopra, India's javelin star, recently married tennis player Himani Mor in a private ceremony. The couple left for ...
This Bills bride’s love for football shines in her jaw-dropping reaction to a Ravens' game surprise from her groom.
Neeraj Chopra married Himani Mor in an intimate ceremony and shared photos from the dreamy wedding on Sunday. Check out the ...
Natacha Karam shares the story behind her character's wedding to Joe (the star's real-life boyfriend, John Clarence Stewart) ...
Javelin star Neeraj Chopra weds tennis player Himani Mor in a surprise ceremony, marking a new chapter in their lives.
I was flabbergasted when I saw the photos,” said Barry Sharman, 78, who recently saw his wedding portraits for the first time ...
Ibiza has a well earned reputation as one of Europe's most sought-after wedding destinations, thanks to its combination of ...
Nasher Miles, India's new-age luggage brand forming strides of style in India, is all set to launch a heart-warming campaign.
The brand wants to encourage society to change the cultural norm by acknowledging parents’ efforts in their children’s weddings ...
Lone Star surprised viewers and characters with a huge wedding and the actress playing the bride is sharing secrets!