A new report claims that Honda has asked Nissan to resolve its existing alliance with Renault. That will require Nissan to buy out Renault’s stake in the company. As of now, Renault has a 35.7% ...
Este considerat cel mai puternic fruct cu proprietăţi antioxidante, bogat în nutrienÅ£i ÅŸi vitamine, însă foarte puÅ£in cunoscut în România. Fructele sunt originare din America de Nord È™i au atras ...
Registrations at Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE), opens new tab and Renault grew by 4.9% and 16.6% respectively, while they fell by 6.7% at Stellantis. Renault's market share in Europe rose to 11.9% ...
In an interview with the Chinese newspaper China Daily, Renault CEO Luca De Meo says that a year ago he had planned to bring out an affordable electric Twingo. When he told his employees that he ...
Somnul pitic negru, considerat periculos de specialiÈ™ti, È™i-a făcut loc în Lacul GoloviÈ›a, din Delta Dunării. Acesta nu are prădător natural È™i se hrăneÈ™te cu icre È™i puiet. Marius Grama, Yvette Mîrza ...
Oxford United centre-back Stephan Negru is attracting interest from sides in the Championship and League One, after being recalled from Salford City. According to the Irish Mirror, who have ...
Malibu, o destinaÈ›ie de lux renumită pentru vilele sale exclusiviste È™i peisajele spectaculoase, a fost recent în centrul atenÈ›iei, iar Dan Negru a avut ocazia să viziteze acest loc fabulos. Celebrul ...
Renault Group is continuing its electrification offensive, with 34.7% 3 of its sales that are electrified in Europe (+4.3 points vs. 2023). Sales of hybrid vehicles increased by 45.0%, now accounting ...
Honda and Nissan are still determining if a merger is a viable option, but Honda’s fears aren’t entirely unfounded; there were whispers that Foxconn expressed interest in Renault’s stake in ...