The character Snoopy from the comic strip “Peanuts” will be the star attraction of a free traveling exhibition running Feb. 8 ...
Craig Ester, left, is Ira Aldridge and Marina DeYoe-Pedraza is Betty Lovell in Swine Palace's production of 'Red Velvet,' ...
James Scott We love a good bit of wordplay around here at the Chronicle, and it’s no surprise that BookPeople does as well.
Head to Gallery 2000 on the nearby ACC Highland Campus Saturday night for the opening reception of new exhibit “The ...
The museum will replace the Southside Community Center, and the center will be relocated to the Hazel Harvey Peace Center for ...
Caring for a historic painting that is 142 years old, 12 tons in weight, four stories tall, and longer than a football field ...
NMWA's large-scale presentation, 'Uncanny,' is the first to approach the psychological concept in art through a feminist lens ...
Meeting space and other services would move less than half a mile away to the Hazel Harvey Peace Center for Neighborhoods.
The hackers then issued a ransom to the company. PowerSchool told its customers that it paid the ransom and that the hackers have since destroyed any information obtained during the security breach.
NEW YORK (AP) — Fay Vincent, who became an unexpected baseball commissioner in 1989 following the death of A. Bartlett ...
BATON ROUGE ARTS MARKET: 8 a.m. to noon, Fifth and Main streets, downtown. Vendors sell a variety of unique, original works ...
An exhibition at San Francisco's Asian Art Museum points to a burgeoning trend: museums are engaging the public more openly ...