Most major PC makers have released laptops with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X processors in the last half year or so. But so far we haven’t seen any desktop computers with the chips unless you count ...
Most major PC makers have released laptops with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X processors ... for this little desktop computer with a Snapdragon X Elite (X1E-80-100) processor. That chip features ...
The Snapdragon X is designed for mainstream and budget laptops, so it won’t offer as good of performance as the X Plus or X Elite variants. Qualcomm is still promising better performance per ...
Qualcomm's ambitions to dominate the ARM-based laptop market took another step forward with the apparent shipping of the Snapdragon X2 Ultra (Premium?) chip, as revealed by recent shipping logs ...
Qualcomm made a big splash last year with the release of its Snapdragon X Plus and X Elite chipsets. The company proved it's possible to develop ARM-powered Windows laptops that perform just as ...