While traveling through the South collecting music for the Library of Congress, ethnomusicologist Alan Lomax ventured onto ...
The general’s campaign through the South is known for its brutality against civilians. For the enslaved who followed his army ...
This spring the Lakeport Plantation Museum, an Arkansas State University Heritage Site, will host a reading retreat focusing ...
If you’re visiting New Orleans, be sure to adventure beyond the parish line and discover the mosaic of chic boutiques, ...
HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSISSIPPI, IN THE FIELD ... back from the sea and the county bordering the St. John River. Florida, are reserved and set apart for the settlement of ...
The roughly 400,000 acres to be awarded: "The islands from Charleston, south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns ...
was raised on the Miles Plantation in Shreveport and grew up ... Alabama to Jackson, Mississippi. (Photo by Lee Lockwood/Getty Images) Dave connected with Dr. C.O. Simpkins of Shreveport, who ...
Dr. James Livingood, distinguished UTC professor, discussed the removal of the Cherokee from this area in excerpts from his "Chattanooga: Illustrated History:" ...
Tens of thousands of holidaymakers descended on the RDS at the weekend, eyeing up a bargain, but what about the more obscure and unique experiences?
Increased federal funding for Black farmers—not less—will help US agriculture become more resilient as our climate changes.