Akshay Kumar recalled the toughest stunt in his career, where he jumped between buildings, causing director Mahesh Bhatt to run away in fear. Akshay Kumar, known for performing his own jaw ...
Vikram Bhatt turns 55 as Mahesh Bhatt reflects on their journey from childhood ties to creating the successful Raaz franchise. Mahesh recalls Vikram's resilience and evolution in Bollywood ...
Recalling an incident from Mahesh Bhatt’s 1998 action-thriller Angaaray, Akshay revealed that a particularly risky stunt left the director so anxious that he fled the set, fearing the worst.
You touched my life in a way only you could. Where would I be without you? Also Read: Mahesh Bhatt on Pritish Nandy’s contribution to Arth, “He made it happen and suddenly the film had a life” ...
Stars gain lasting fame by emotionally engaging audiences, but today's distraction-filled world threatens this legacy. In an era where attention spans are short, true stardom is at risk of ...
Vineet Kumar Singh recollected shooting with Mahesh Bhatt when Alia was just a child. Vineet stated in the interview that he ‘doesn’t believe in the nepotism debate’ stating that he ...
During one particularly daring stunt, filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt was so terrified that he left the film set, fearing Akshay might suffer a fatal injury. This dedication to authenticity and risk-taking ...
The actor, known for his dedication to action sequences, recalled a particularly daring stunt from Mahesh Bhatt’s 1998 action-thriller Angaaray that left the director so terrified, he fled the set ...
He went on to recall how Angaaray director Mahesh Bhatt ran away during the shoot as he couldn’t watch Kumar perform the stunt. When asked about his most challenging stunt, till date, Akshay revealed ...