After eluding scientists and monster hunters for centuries, the mystery of Loch Ness may have just been revealed — and all it ...
Eoin O'Faodhagain was watching Loch Ness via webcam when he spotted something rising and sinking in the water, estimated to be up to 20 feet long. He said: 'I noticed a disturbance in the middle ...
To find out the truth, perhaps you’ll have to go to Loch Ness yourself. Maybe in the dead of night, you’ll see a ripple in the water that could be the wind — or the legendary Loch Ness ...
Loch Ness Monster enthusiasts have been sent into a frenzy after a mysterious object was spotted in the loch. Images of the bizarre object were captured by a 24/7 webcam set up at the southeastern ...
The age-old mystery of the Loch Ness Monster has slithered back into life with the news that an unusual 20-foot-long object has been spotted in the huge lake’s chilly waters. The object was ...
The Prince of Wales asked a research scientist whether she could find the Loch Ness Monster, insisting that it was what “everyone” wanted to know. The Prince expressed a previously unknown ...