Despite all her heroines getting happy endings, Jane didn’t get one herself and Miss Austen suggests the writer’s real love was her literary passions and she had little time for much else.
Selena Antonio-Reyes has ended her reign as Miss Universe Philippines-Pasig by crowning her successor, who will now also try to create as much impact on society as she had done, or even more.
Across four episodes, Miss Austen takes us back in time to find out more about the revered novelist, her family and most importantly, the bond she shared with her sister Cassandra. Of course ...
Recent Activity in the photography forums - discuss digital photography, film photography, photographers, Photoshop, techniques, cameras, lenses and equipment, along with advice on buying and ...
A stunning coastal scene of Whitby, beautifully composed and capturing the essence of the location, has won our 'Photo of the Week' title.