Refractive lens exchange is becoming more popular as lens technology progresses, according to a speaker at Hawaiian Eye 2025.
No eye contact, staring or wandering eyes? Your eyes can speak volumes but what does it all mean, especially when eyes are considered more telling than body position, body space, crossed arms and hand ...
A Sudanese man with a thin cornea and high myopia had his vision corrected with a new eye procedure called VOZ in Pune. He ...
Lowcountry glaucoma patients will soon have a new option for safer and more efficient laser eye treatment thanks to doctors ...
Even when we think we are holding our gaze perfectly still, our eyes make tiny, involuntary movements. While these ...
Former DeepMind employees raise $40 million to launch London-based startup 'laser-focused' on AI protein design.
Brendan Cummings, ophthalmic surgeon, Wellington Eye Clinic, Dublin ... Usually, patients want vision correction so they can see without wearing glasses. I discuss Allotex with a man in his ...
The pandemic caused an overall decrease in the rates of the 10 most common ophthalmic procedures performed in 2020 when ...
A study found that injecting mesenchymal stem cells into periocular tissue effectively reduces eye inflammation without ...
Why do our mental images stay sharp even when we are moving fast? A team of neuroscientists led by Professor Maximilian Jösch ...
AI has quietly revolutionized the field of ophthalmology.While the concept of AI may evoke futuristic images of robots and ...