Currently, a total of 811,351 vehicles are registered in Illinois with vanity or personalized license plates to Illinoisans.
His office has the power to deny personalized or vanity plates that “creates a connotation that is offensive to good taste and decency,” according to the Illinois Vehicle Code. This means his ...
To understand the list recent list of rejected license plates in Illinois, you may need to consult the internet to understand the reasons why. Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias’ office ...
Illinois car owners can pay an extra $94 for a new vanity plate that contains all letters. They can also pay an extra $47 for a new personalized plate, which is a combination of letters and numbers.
has the authority to reject any application for personalized or vanity plates that "creates a connotation that is offensive to good taste and decency" as stated in Illinois' Vehicle Code.